With 25GB of absolutely no strings attached free storage, SkyDrive has always been an amazing value. Of course that's not to say its best in class, far from it actually for one key reason; it's painfully difficult to access. Logging into the SkyDrive site using Windows Live is easy enough, but having to add files one at a time is painfully in-efficient. If you modify a photo for example, you need to download it fully, make your changes, upload the new version, and then manually delete the old one. Office Web Apps integration and batch file adding have helped, but
The PC and Mac clients will join the recently released iOS and Windows Phone offerings, and while the exact functionality they will offer is not known, we can only speculate it will only be storage access only, and not sync. Dropbox for example gives users the option to edit files offline, and then have them sync to the cloud and other devices when they come online. Microsoft's current sync offering comes in the form of Live Mesh, and is a completely separate offering from SkyDrive. Microsoft could merge these two services of course, and would be wise to do so,...