miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

How to Prepare for your future life online

It's a sign of the strange times we live in that even death isn't quite as absolute as it used to be.

Everyone still dies eventually, but their carefully-crafted online personae live on. These digital remains can be a nice memorial or a disturbing remnant, depending on how well a person has prepared.Wouldn't it make sense that a site which states a concern for its users safety could at least keep an SSL to date? Deathswitch is much simpler in its approach. Through the use of regular emails sent to you, Deathswitch waits for you not to respond. After a predetermined length of time without an answer from you, Deathswitch sends out your drafted emails, with attachments if you want, to a maximum of thirty with up to ten recipients each in the $19.95 per year premium plan. This approach seems best for anyone who doesn't have a large online presence.


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