sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

20 MustHave Firefox Addons

Just how popular are add-ons to Mozilla Firefox's Web browser? A usage survey taken by Mozilla as of one year ago revealed that one-third of all Firefox users---at least---use add-ons in some capacity.

That's a pretty big deal, but not quite as eye-opening a number as the raw statistics from Mozilla's official add-ons page.The beauty of this add-on comes from its sheer extensiveness: It works with more audio applications than you've likely ever heard of, including the standard iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player, and MediaMonkey, to name a few. Super-tiny buttons allow you to skip through tracks, pause and play your jams, control your volume and---good gosh---even auto-post what you're listening to directly to a Twitter account. A thousand curses on those who enable that last feature. We implore you to make use of the add-on's info panel, album art, or search tool s instead. Far more useful; Far less annoying.


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